


被动语态按中文讲,就是把“把”字句变成“被”字句,以主谓宾句式为例,大部分情况下是将宾语前置做主语,动词变为过去分词,并在前面加 be 动词(随 16 种时态变化,与原句保持一致),主语省略或在前面加上介词 by 做状语。

举个例子:I beat him. => He was beaten./He was beaten by me.

从例句He was beaten.中可以看出,被动语态其实是一种特殊的主系表句型,过去分词beaten在句中做表语。


谓语是表述含义中的最重要的成分,被动变化规则比较固定,参照英文时态详解中的时态表格,下面是 9 种时态下被动语态的一般规则:

过去 现在 将来
一般式 一般过去式
was/were + 过去分词
am/is/are + 过去分词
will be + 过去分词
进行式 过去进行式
was/were being + 过去分词
am/is/are being + 过去分词
will be being + 过去分词
完成式 过去完成式
had been + 过去分词
have/has been + 过去分词
will have been + 过去分词


动词的变化基本就是加上 be 变过去分词,比较好理解,而介词的变化则可能需要花更多的时间培养语感和练习,尤其涉及到一些固定搭配:

  • 双宾倒置中的介词 to, for, of:
    • 表“给予”概念,用 to;表“代劳”概念,要用 for。
    • Ask 要用 of: I asked a question of John.
    • Rob, deprive, cure, relieve,是授予动词,但约定与 of 连用:He robbed me of my money
  • Provide, furnish, supply 表示“提供”的授予动词,但必须与 with 连用:
    • He provided me with a lot of money.
    • We supply the three nearby towns with power.
    • 但宾语倒置时仍然用 to, for: We supply power to the three nearby towns.
  • Make, have, let, get 这四个使役动词只有 make 可以用于被动语态。
    • They made me review the code -> I was made to review the code.
  • 宾语中出现 be 或者 to be,通常要省略,例如 He get this task to be finished 应该为 He get this task finished,更多例子:
    • This experience makes you (to be) a man.
    • The trip made her (be) happy.
  • 认定动词(consider, deem, think, find, believe)动词 + 宾语 + (to be 省略)+ 名词或形容词(补语),认为… 是…
    • I found your advice really useful.
    • Our team think this problem determination.
  • 认定动词(regard, look upon, think of, see, view),表示把… 当做… :动词 + 宾语 + 介词 as + 名词或形容词(补语)
    • In spite of this, the Italians regarded hime as a sort of hero.
    • His students all look upon him as a friend.
    • They think of themseleves as the salt of the earth.
    • I’d like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone.
    • We view every customer as a partner.


英文中的祈使句是非常不客气非常强烈的,为了用英文表达和中文同样的意思,需要加 Would you please … ? 或者 please…

中文的我想。。也不能翻译成 I want.. 而应该翻译成 I would like …

复合句(compound sentence)

Give me liberty or give me death. 不自由,毋宁死。

复合句,也就是并列句,是指用 and, but, however 这类连词连接句子成分或两个句子,比较常用。以下几个 tips:

  • 大部分连词,除了 but,前后都是不应该有逗号的,尤其是 and,要注意不要把中文中断句的习惯带到英文中。
  • 连接句子中如果连接的是两个相同的谓语,则可省略后一个谓语,例:I enjoy the hotpot and you the soup.
  • not only… but also… 是美式英语的习惯用法,英式英语习惯使用:not only… but… as well.

复杂句(complex sentence)

也称从句,比较简单,在句子末尾加上 that, when, which 后面再跟一个句子用于修饰宾语是最常见的用法,句式结构:复杂句 = 主句 + 从句 = 简单句1 + 引导词 + 简单句2。容易忽视的一个用法是把 That 作为开头先用一个句子来描述主语:That everyone may receive a moderate education is an object of vital improtance.每个人都能接受教育似乎是个个至关重要的目标。That 作主语从句是为了使句子显得更紧凑,通常用在主语的内容比句子本身更重要的时候,大部分情况下句子本身才是我们要表达的核心观点,只是为了对主语作补充说明,可以用 It 放在句子开头,真正的主语在句末加 that 后置: It was obvious that he was very embarrassed,另外有一些情况是必须用 it 的,在谓语是 consider, deem, think, find, believe 时,例如: I think it important that we should speake English eveyday. 就不能用 that 代替 it, it 后面可以加 be 动词。



一个简单的列子:I’m wondering what you are doing. 划线部分在句子中充当宾语,词性是名词。




The man who come from Identity team helped us do the PVT. (介词 who 可省略)划线部分作为定语修饰 “The man”。



  • 时间状语从句:when/while/as, Whenever无论何时, as soon as/ the moment, no sonner… than 刚… 就…(主句动作已完成), hardly/scarcely…when/before…刚…就… (主句动作未完成), since/ ever sinece自从
  • 地点状语从句: where
  • 原因状语从句:because, as, since, for, in, that,注意 because 接从句,because of 后只能接名词
  • 条件状语从句:if, unless 引
  • 比较状语从句:as…as…, than.. 用法比较灵活
  • 结果状语从句: so… that… 如此…以至于… such… that … such 后接名词 that 后是名词从句:He is such a good developer that coding very fast.
  • 目的状语从句:so that, in order that, that 以便于…I am saving money in order that I can buy a house.
  • 让步状语从句:thought, although, even though, even if。虽然…但是… 与中文不同,主语前面绝不再可加 but,但可用 yet/still。
    • though, although, even though 是对事实的让步,译为“虽然,尽管”
    • even if 对假设的让步,译为即使,哪怕是
    • while/whereas 也可引导状语从句,相当于 though 或 although
    • whether 也可引导让步状语从句,表示“无论…”常和 or 或者 or not 一起使用
  • 方式状语从句:as, as if, as though, the way 就像…一样,以…样的方式
    • 注意:美式英语中常用 like 来代替 as if, as though, 但书面语中少用

在掌握了一些稍微复杂的句式之后,一些像是 Native speaker 才会说的英语短语会为你的英文口语增色不少,附上 ThoughtWorks 同事整理的英文词组集合,很有意思: